Title of paper | Name of author | Department of teacher | Name of journal/conference | Year of publication | Link to article |
Determination and patching of coverage holes in WSN with energy aware routing | Sreeram S | AI & ML | International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Information Technology | 2019 | http://dx.doi.org/ 10.32628CSEIT1953159 |
Determination and patching of coverage holes in WSN with energy aware routing | Sreeram S | AI & DS | International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Information Technology | 2019 | http://dx.doi.org/10.3 2 628CSEIT1953159 |
Lung cancer detection from CT image using image processing techniques | Sreeram S | AI & DS | International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies | 2015/5 | |
EDA-PEGASIS:A balanced Energy Aware routing approach for Sensor network to reduce cognitive networking complexities in wireless networking | Sreeram S | AI & DS | Advances in Power Systems and Energy Management: Select Proceedings of ETAEERE 2020 | 2021 | https://link.springer.c om/chapter/10.1007 /978-981-15-7504- 4_57 |
An Efficient Approach for Text Query Searching and Word Spotting in Low Quality Manuscripts | Sreeram S | AI &DS | International Journal of Advanced Information in Engineering Technology (IJAIET) ISSN: 2454-6933 Vol.3, No.3, March 2016 | 2016 | https://www.ijaist.co m/wpcontent/uploads/201 8/02/An-EfficientApproach-for-TextQuery-Searchingand-Word-Spottingin-Low-QualityManuscripts.pdf |
A Delaunay triangulation-based improved energy-aware clustering algorithm for WSNs | Sreeram S | AI &DS | 2023 International Conference on Research Methodologies in Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunication Engineering (RMKMATE) | 2023 | https://ieeexplore.ieee .org/abstract/docume nt/10368916 |
Determination and patching of Coverage holes Hybrid WSN with Energy Aware Routing | Sreeram S | AI &DS | June 2019,International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology | 2019 | https://www.research gate.net/publication/3 34059696_Determina tion_and_Patching_of _Coverage_Holes_in _Hybrid_WSN_with_ Energy_Aware_Routi ng |
Enhancing Facial Expression Recognition Using Tensor Approach And Log Gabor Filter | Sreeram S | AI &DS | International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST) | 2014 | https://www.ijaist.co m/wp - content/uploads/2018 /02/Recognizing - surgically -altered - face.pdf |
An Efficient Approach for Text Query Searching and Word Spotting in Low Quality Manuscripts | Sreeram S | AI &DS | International Journal of Advanced Information in Engineering Technology (IJAIET) ISSN: 2454 - 6933 Vol.3, No.3, March 2016 | 2016 | https://www.ijaist.co m/wp - content/uploads/2018 /02/An -Efficient - Approach -for -Text - Query-Searching - and -Word -Spotting - in -Low -Quality - Manuscripts.pdf |
A Comparative Study of Various Intrusion Detections In Smart Cities Using Machine Learning | Liloja Basheer | AI &DS | International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technology (ICIBT) | 2022 | https://ieeexplore.iee e.org/document/980 7724 |
Deep Learning Methodology for Detecting Breaches to Improve Security in Smart Cities | Liloja Basheer | AI &DS | International Conference on Research Methodologies in Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunication Engineering (RMKMAT) | 2023 | https://ieeexplore.iee e.org/abstract/docu ment/10369749 |
An Intrusion Detection System Using a Machine Learning Approach in IOT-based Smart Cities | Liloja Basheer | AI &DS | Journal of Internet services and Information security | 2022 | https://scholar.archiv e.org/work/222b4p5 75zeqjj6bkc2zkueuvq /access/wayback/htt ps://jisis.org/wpcontent/uploads/202 3/01/2023.I1.002.pdf |
Sreeram S
Ambili CV