ICFOSS ( International Center for Free and Open Source Software )
The FOSS cell Program of ICFOSS aims to provide promotional services of FOSS to educational institutions by promoting the formation of a group of interested students and teachers in the institution, called the ICFOSS cell , on a voluntary basis. ICFOSS today carries out of a number of FOSS-related activities in a model that brings together Academic, Industry, Government and the FOSS community. Activities of ICFOSS presently includes R & D; Support to FOSSS software development ; FOSS Pilot programs; technological assistants to Government programs and institutions; Local Language computing; Student FOSS activities; Internet governance; Studies on FOSS; Exploring FOSS certification; Capacity building of students to enter the FOSS community. The vision of the FOSS cell is to encourage and promote the use of Free and Open Source Software and related area such as Open Hardware, among the students and teachers of the institution for every possible kind of use.

ICFOSS Inauguration Ceremony
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering & Information Technology, MEA Engineering College Perinthalmanna organized the Inauguration of FOSS Cell with the launching of logo on 05/03/2018 Monday at 10.00 am. The Program was inaugurated by Dr. Sasikumar, Director, Free Software Foundation of India by playing a video presentation at 10.30 AM on 5th march 2018. The MEA college FOSSCELL logo was introduced by Dr Rajin M Linus, Principal, MEA Engineering College Perinthalmanna. Dr. Raji C G, Professor, Department of CSE, MEA Engineering College Perinthalmanna was presiding over the function.
Technical Talk
The program was followed by a technical talk on “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in Engineering Education” which was organized with an intention of helping the participants to expose to the FOSS environment and enable them to handle the FOSS Lab introduced in the KTU curriculum. The section was handled by Dr. Sasikumar, Director Free Software Foundation of India. The section started at 11 am in the main seminar hall in the college main block. There was a very good response to the section. There were above hundred participants including students and staffs present for the program. The feedbacks were also collected from the participants. All those feedbacks were very positive and most of them asked us to conduct more similar programs.

Hands-on workshop on Ethical Hacking “Cyber Disease”
Aiming to provide an intense training on Ethical Hacking for Industrial persons, researchers and Young Engineers, a two- day workshop on ‘CYBER DISEASE’ and its application on 16th and 19th of November 2018 at MEA Engineering College Perinthalmanna. Department of CSE & IT organized the workshop in association with ICFOSS. The FOSS Cell Program of ICFOSS aims to provide promotional services of FOSS to educational institutions by promoting the formation of a group of interested students and teachers in the institution, called the FOSS Cell. The workshop was done by Robokart under innovative cell, IIT BOMBAY. The program was then moved to the workshop at 11:00 AM and a well experienced trainer Mr. Vaibhav Kandherao started the session with some basic ideas and information about Ethical Hacking. Afterwards the practical session started. Participants were allowed to do hands-on training on Ethical Hacking. The session was held at CCF lab, Main block, MEAEC.
The program was organized aiming at making students aware about Cyber Crimes, security issues and precaution to be taken while interacting in the digital world. The participants were trained to hack social medias, smartphones, do encryption, decryption and much more. Every tool used were free and run in the operating system “Kali Linux” under Linux platform.